Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ice Out Lake Oahe

The storm has passed, leaving a little snow, frozen ground and a thawed lake.
Lake Oahe is open, at least from the dam to the Cheyenne River. Let the fishing begin. Although, its a little cold and windy right now.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ice Update

Over the weekend we did not get rain, but warm temps and steady winds did open more shoreline areas. Today we saw some back bays with enough open water to fish. Strong north winds are moving the ice sheet around pretty good. The forecast is for rain, snow and cold temps for the next 3 days. We will check it again on Thursday.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Pheasant Population

Just a short word on how the pheasants have wintered in the area. They apear to have done very well. We attempted a casual road count the other day and gave up after 350 some in just a few miles of driving.

Lake Thaw Report

Lake Oahe is still covered with ice in this area. We see a few feet of open water along much of the shoreline. The ice is very dark, but we are unsure how thick it might be.

The forecast is for rain on Sunday and Monday. That could bring about a dramatic change. We will keep you posted.