Saturday, July 19, 2008

Governor's Cup Results 2008

2008 Governor's Cup Fishing Tournament - First Day

(Top 5) Official weights

1. Novotny 20.63
2. Diegel 20.09
3. Girard 19.60
4. Walter/Nincehelger 19.58
5. Pike Haven - Dusty & Alex Miller 18.07

Big Fish 6.92

Governor's Cup

Saturdays Governor's Cup proved to be plentiful. We were the last boat to launch and the first one off the water at noon.
We used crank baits and caught 8 beauties. Weighing our 7 fish, the total was 18.5. Tomorrow morning we will add the leading weight for the day.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mouth of Cheyenne

The mouth of the Cheyenne is really hot. Lots of numbers with some quality fish. South of Mail Shack to Combine Point there are less fish but better quality. Fish are still fairly shallow (12-16') but some are starting to catch at 20-30'. Water temperature is at 69 degrees.
Question??? Call Dusty at 605-264-5465.